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Contact Us

We want your experience at the Ground Round® Grill & Bar to be wonderful! Please always share your experiences with us. Your feedback is what helps us know that we are meeting or exceeding your expectations and also helps us improve if we ever fail to meet your expectations.

We encourage you to share your comments directly with the Manager on Duty while you are visiting with us. We'd like to hear how things are going while you're still in the restaurant, but if that's not possible, please contact us.

Feel free to contact us by mail:

Ground Round Grill & Bar
Attn: Guest Relations
27355 Carronade Dr
Perrysburg, OH 43551

If you are contacting us by mail please be sure to include the following information so we can better serve you:

Guest Survey (opens in a new tab)
Please check errors in the form above
Thank you for your inquiry. We’ll be in touch shortly.